Remember bout my favourite verse Galations 2:20 i had on my blog: well I nvr knew how important that verse was... or how not likely this verse should be taken, because I've found such profoundness in that verse, so many times I have taken it lightly but in truth, it should be spoken with respect and upholding Glory to God.... because
"For I have been crucified with Christ..." - when Paul said this to the Galations, he was saying that he had lost everything.. cox when Christ was crucified, he was not just killed, He lost the 1 and oni thing tat matters,....God.... which means Paul is saying that he have lost everything that holds dear to him.
"...and it is no longer I who live but Christ live in me..." - but he lost everything in order to gain Christ in him.... I mean are we able to lose all in order to have Christ, and this took years to gain for Paul, for him to be able to speak this is something.
"...And the life I now live, I live by faith in the son of God who love me and gave Himself for me" - and so therefore Paul live in a life that he have nothing but Christ therefore Christ is the pinacle of his survival, Christ is his master therefore as his master will give him what he needs in order to survive because the master loves the servant.